Sam Moffatt, the development coordinator of Joomla, the highly popular open source content management system, had quite a large cat to let out of the bag in his latest blog post. He officially announced that Microsoft had signed on as an official code contributor for Joomla.It's not like Microsoft has never been attached with GNU GPL development in the past, but this time, it's real big. Especially when you consider that Joomla is the result of the second largest PHP development project in the world, suddenly the news gains quite a bit of importance, especially from developers' point of view.The primary benefit of the move is obvious. Better support of Joomla in IIS would certainly clear quite a few bottlenecks that developers have had to deal with in the past, especially with the Apache server. But what is of even more significance is the speculation that, with Microsoft joining the group of supporters of Joomla, full support for the platform in future versions of IIS cannot be far off.Read more about this exciting development here.