Ektron 8.6 - Better, Faster, Stronger

More than 3,700 companies all over the world employ Ektron's flagship CMS to power their websites, primarily because of the platform's stability and flexibility. Now, with the release of Ektron 8.6, users can enjoy a multitude of features that make it simpler than ever to take a business online.

Improved Support for Mobile: The mobile revolution has resulted in an explosion of online-capable devices, all with distinct form factors. Ektron 8.6 features improved support for both mobile as well as responsive web design, which ensures the website dynamically adjusts to the screen of the device it is being viewed on, thereby eliminating the need to develop separate websites for separate devices.

Speed Matters: Ektron 8.6 is fast, blazing fast. The Internet has spoiled us all, and the ever-shortening attention spans of customers demand nothing less than websites that load instantly, but are still rich and dynamic. The latest version of Ektron is capable of delivering on that promise, and more.

Support 24x7x365: When you tie up with an Ektron Elite Partner like Web Spiders, you are guaranteed technical support all year round. Instant solutions keep customers happy.

To get a more in-depth idea about Ektron 8.6, check out the product page here, or download the brochure here.

To upgrade to Ektron 8.6 and one of our representatives will get back to you immediately.